Just a follow up from my previous blog entry regarding the HD transition. We are very, very close and I know it has taken a little longer than expected, but we are excited about the debut and that should happen on Tuesday. Keep your fingers crossed and get ready for a great picture.
Winter makes an early appearance here in Kansas with snow in the northwest. I guess it's Mother Nature's way of getting us ready for the winter months ahead. What you probably didn't know is that this is winter awareness week in Kansas, so what better way to get people thinking about winter than delivering some snow to parts of the area. It would be nice to enjoy the fall instead of jumping right into winter though.
Speaking of fall, take a look at this satellite image of the fall color in the Northeast. You can actually make out the red and orange foliage in the trees. In the lower elevations of the Appalachian Mountains, the tree color is still mainly green because the temperatures are a little warmer during the day. If you look even closer at the picture, you'll see the dense population along the coast (the gray color) Boston and New York are just two major cities that show up nicely on the image.
This is a very high resolution picture taken from one of NASA's expensive satellites.
I'll be watching the Jayhawks play football this weekend in Lawrence. I'll have a report for you on Sunday when I return to the weather office. Enjoy this winter, err, fall weather I mean.