Alright, so the VORTEX 2 crew has been chasing for a month now and they have only intercepted one really good storm and that was in Wyoming last Friday. The video is very good, so if you haven't seen it, check it out: was hoping Kansas would come through with a good tornado for them to study, but alas, we get beat by the Cowboy State.
The only difference between this video and the one from the movie
Twister is that there are no flying cows and combines in the video. And, this is not a very strong tornado, so image how it would be inside of an EF-5. This just hasn't been a good year to study tornadoes. We spent the last half of May under a huge ridge of high pressure, which meant no storms in the central or northern US. VORTEX 2 was in Kansas on Tuesday and guess what, there were no good storms for them to intercept.

We had some isolated storms pop up over parts of Kansas Tuesday afternoon. Just one tornado was reported in southwest Kansas near Greensburg. Mother Nature is just playing dirty with the residents in Kiowa county, so luckily we didn't have any major damage. The storm structure was quite amazing and that's the picture that I have for you this week.
By the way, the float trip in Missouri was fun. The weather was nearly perfect and fortunately, I remembered my sunscreen. Millie came back dog tired on Sunday. Have a great week.