I was so shocked to see the tsunami hit Japan, and like most of you, trying to imagine a wall of water 23 feet high coming at you is very scary. This serves as a vivid reminder how powerful water can be when it's moving at such a high rate of speed. It nearly swallows everything in its path, and it will take years to clean up with so much debris everywhere.
I am posting satellite pictures of before and after for the area hardest hit by the tsunami. The red covered areas in the images are vegetation covered areas. The dark shades of blue would be water covered areas and it is amazing to see how far inland the water traveled. There is reported to be extensive damage in and around the air field, which is located in the lower left side of the picture. You have to study each picture for a little while to fully understand what you are looking at and how bad the damage is, but if you've been following the national news, you probably already know how powerful the earthquake and tsunami turned out to be. I thought it was interesting to hear that Japan could've survived the magnitude 9 earthquake, but it was the tsunami that they weren't prepared for.
Millie and I visited Explorer Elementary school and the kids had several questions about earthquakes and tsunamis. I am not expert with those kinds of natural disasters, but I was able to help them understand a little bit more about how they happen. I'll post pictures soon.
Have a great week.