I'm taking a few days off so that I can get Millie out in this great, fall weather that we are having lately. Although, something tells me that we haven't totally made the transition from summer to fall just yet. There is still a ton of change going on in the atmosphere and as it happens, severe weather is going to be a result. The Storm Prediction Center has placed the eastern half of Kansas in a moderate risk for severe weather. So, be prepared tomorrow to see watches and warnings at the bottom of your screen. We normally see a "second season" for severe weather, and it comes in the fall, about this time of the year. Perhaps Millie and I will be in Sat Cam tomorrow out watching the storms.

What did you think of the storms Sunday night in southcentral Kansas? How much rain did you get? If you didn't get much rain over the weekend, maybe the next two storms coming this way will have what you are looking for.
Time to get the yard mowed and the garage cleaned out. Hopefully the storms won't get too bad tomorrow
The weather has been great. The rains could subside but we are not going to complain about it. After a year with no rain and many of us begging for it, we will not complain. The fall flowers are really beautiful. My only complaint is when I go for my walks I hate running into those cobwebs that string across. I spend the next 20 minutes pulling cobwebs off. Enjoy your days off. You deserve them.
You deserve some time off. I was starting to think that Merril was never coming back.
Millie is so cute, but I hear you have another cute dog. When do we get to see it?
I just have one dog for now. Millie likes the extra attention that another dog would take away. Plus, I'm satisfied with just having her around.
The rain is sure adding up here in Wichita. I wish we could spread the wealth with other parts of Kansas.
I just wanted to tell you how adorable I think you are. Are you single or seeing someone?
When driving home from Wichita,I saw several field and drainage ditches full of water.
I love the weather (hence my name)! I thought the storms we got were really cool. I don't remember how much rain we got..., but I sure loved the lightning and thunder. I was also surprised at the tornado watches and warnings (although they can happen at any time of the year). I don't remember the last time we had tornadoes in November occur in the state...Okay, now something not related to the weather, Millie is your dog?! I was trying to find that out in your blog... I did see the picture, but...I don't know...case closed. Thank you anonymous...
Great picture of Millie, next to the mums. Speaking of...where did you get your mums as I can't find that red color anywhere...at least that looks that great!?! So with being as busy as you are...you still found time to work in the yard...looks great. Lets see more pictures of Millie.
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