VORTEX 2 is out and about seeking tornadoes again this year. Remember last year, I had talked about it some on this blog, and had a chance to visit the University of Oklahoma for VORTEX 2 media day. I learned so much about this aggressive research team that will be studying tornadoes up close and personal through June 15th. Last year they intercepted just one tornado in Wyoming, but hopefully this year, they'll get their fill and find a few good twisters. I'm sure on Monday, they'll be camped out in our area somewhere, just waiting and hoping for something to blow up. It still looks favorable for severe weather early next week, so be tracking the weather with us as we head into Monday.

I heard vortex 2 caught a tornado last night in Oklahoma.
I think Millie is a sweetheart! I believe you would never know if she didn't like fishing or not. I have my very own weather dog. I adopted her from the Humane Society in 2004. Her name is Dezzi and she was an abandoned pet from the Conway Spring's tornado. Dezzi knows when it's going to storm...and believe me she lets me know. Maybe Millie and Dezzi should meet...
I'm not sure if Dezzi likes to fish but I do.
May 28, 2010 2:59 PM
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