I've been asked to do a story on the technology that was used the night Greensburg took a direct hit. It will hit the air Monday night during the 10 p.m. newscast. It wasn't a tornado, but it sure looked like one from the picture that Lisa Shaffer sent to us of a dust devil that developed outside of town. If anything, it was an eerie reminder of the big wedge tornado that tore across the area last year. Dust devils are usually caused by an uneven heating of the earth surface and then the of course the wind gets them spinning. They aren't dangerous, but winds inside of them could be as strong as 45 or 50 mph, just enough to stir up some tumbleweeds.
I think Mack will be our winner for the guessing game I had on the blog earlier this year. Mack, I'll need you to email me your address again so I can send you a few other items. You should've been a meteorologist because you are good at predicting!
My week wrapped up with a school talk at Clark Elementary School today. The 2nd graders were very excited to see the weather balloon and the cloud-in-a bottle trick, but I think with summer just around the corner, they have their minds on something else.
Get ready for some much cooler weather by the end of the week. May will start out with below normal temps for Kansas.