Here are some storm shots that came in this week. The hail, the wind, and the snow that piled up in northwest Kansas. Hard to imagine 2 foot snow drifts in April, but residents in northwest Kansas are no strangers to weird weather in April. 

Millie will have a profile on, so be looking for that next week. We will see how she ranks compared to Roger and Cindy in terms of "web page hits". I hope you have a nice weekend and enjoy the warmer weather when it arrives next week.
Hey Ross,
Long night again tonight for you it appears and their wasn't even any basketball!
I see we have what appears to be another spam link on here, that just drives me crazy, all the spam we have to deal with on the net.
Great storm shots, what a huge mix we've had in such a short time, only in Kansas right?!?!? ha ha
Well I recall you saying something in a previous blog about a vacation this week? Hope you have a great time wherever your journey takes you as long as you come back well rested! After all your hard work last week, I'm sure you could use a short break! You did a wonderful job though as I am sure most would concur, thanks for all your dedication to KWCH!!! It's the only station I watch for my weather/news coverage!
I'll be eager to see the profile for Millie! Very cool, you will have to tell us where to find it on the site so we can be sure to check it out!
Have a great night man! Take care and have a great week everyone! I hope we don't blow away as it appears to be a gusty one this week after tomorrow!
I am sure ready for this crazy weather to be done with. Hope the freze isn't too hard tonight for all those gardners and farmers. Looking forward to that warmer weather, just wished we could do it minus the winds.
Your dog seems to be a popular hit with the viewers, glad to hear that she has become an "official" memeber of the station.
Hope everyone has a great start to their week!
Just wanted to say hi to everyone....blogging has definately been lacking lately by me. How are you doing Ross? What about the other loyal bloggers? Melissa, Stacey, Shelley? How has life been treating each of you. Jonathan glad to see your still around!
Well I am looking forward to the nice temperatures this weekend! We were going to take Caden for another trip to the zoo, but he has a sinus infection :-( so I think we will keep him in, even though it will be nice out.
Ross I saw Millie's page. Very cool! She is such a special dog in more ways than one. So cute, so innocent! Can't wait to see her again!
So is anyone gearing up for the Wichita River Festival? Ross do you do anything special for that?
Keep in touch EVERYONE, I missing hearing from each of you!
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