Okay, so we have a slight problem. The first tornado warning of the season occurred on April 24th up in northwest Kansas. There were several brief touchdowns through the evening. Someone guessed April 20th and said Ellis county, so they are the winner. But they posted anonymously, but did sign off with a "V". So if this person doesn't come forward, then the next person in line for the prize is Mack, who just so happen to win the snowfall contest. Mack's guess was April 18th. Hopefully we can get this ironed out soon. If you are the person that guessed April 20th, and you signed off with "V", send me an email
rjanssen@kwch.comThe Earth Day talk went very well at Jefferson Elementary school. I wasn't too sure I would get to go because we were having severe weather in Wichita just before the talk. I was able to slip away for a while and was glad I did. The kids were outstanding. Here is a picture from last Wednesday.

Thanks again to Jennifer for inviting me to visit the school. I'll hope to return next year.
Severe weather is over with now for several days, so we can relax a little. Warmer weather is on the way next week.
Have a great Sunday.
Hey Ross,
Hope all is well with you! I thought it was funny when I went back and looked at past comments from the tornado warning contest to see who was the winner and to see that "V", an anonymous entry was the closest and then Mack just days behind was the next closest. Jonathan and I wondered how that would go.
Did any bloggers out there attend the KFDI Appreciation Concert last night at Koch Arena? Well I was there, on the floor 3rd row from the stage! It was an awesome concert, Rodney did a great show! Carter's Chord isn't my favorite but they were nice to look at and have nice voices. Jimmy Wayne did a very nice job as well. Thanks KFDI!
That was some nice rain we got last night, wow it hit fast! Glad I mowed yesterday before all that hit! I look forward to some nice calm warm weather in the near future!
Have a great week everyone! Take care all! It was glad to see a post from Melissa and Shelley, glad all is well! Good luck moving Melissa, if you need a bit of help drop me a line on Myspace and I'll see what I can do!
Your smile is so mischievous!!
Ross and fellow Bloggers
That strom that went through Saturday had a scary look to it. I was able to get off of work just in time to make my exit before the rain started.
You could really tell the temperature difference from before the front went through and afterwards.
The concert sounded like it would have been fun to go. Hope others were able to enjoy it like Ty was.
Hope everyone has a great week, looks like it off to a great start. Hope "V" is found to claim her/his prize.
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