We have recently started selling weather radios here at KWCH and it turns out they are pretty popular. We have a demo model here in our office and when the severe thunderstorm warning was issued Sunday night for Sedgwick county, it performed like it should. The display shows what type of warning is in effect and how much time is left before the warning expires.

I've been very busy with school talks lately. Pictures are on the way from Pratt, and you will see them on here next week. I visited John Marshall Middle School Wednesday afternoon to talk with the 6th grade students. Next week, I'll be talking with a slightly older group over in the Old Manor area here in Wichita. Should be fun and of course, we will focus on weather safety.

Millie and I have done some hiking in the cool, spring weather that we've had lately. I know the weather isn't warm enough yet because even after a 3 mile run, she still isn't quite ready to dive off into the water. There has been some talk about adding her to the "personalities" section of KWCH.com, but we haven't finished filling out her profile section just yet. I'm beginning to think my dog is stealing the spotlight.... but I'm okay with that. She's pretty special. I'm gearing up for the Final Four this weekend. Should be a good game! I'll be back Saturday evening, after the games.
If KU doesn't beat Roy, I will be one sad Jayhawk. It really is a shame more people aren't mad at him for what he did to KU 5 years ago. Don't get me wrong, I love Bill Self, but that's because he is a great coach and is honest. Roy lied to everyone saying he'd retire as a jayhawk.
Hope all is well with EVERYONE! Lookin' forward to a good game between KU & NC, hope they represent Kansas well!
Great picture of Millie, she looks vibrant and happy, enjoying the warmer outdoor weather!
I also think it's neat that KWCH is offering weather radios.
Keep up the GREAT work that you do Ross! Hope everything is well with everyone else! Anything exciting upcoming? My son has his baptism this Sunday! Can't believe he is 5 weeks 2 days old already!
Keep in touch EVERYONE!
Have a great weekend as well!
Hello all, and hope everyone is going to get out and enjoy the wonderful weather we are going to have this weekend. I have been waiting for some sunshine that will last more than one day, and I think we are finally going to get it!
Well, tonight is the big game. Even though I'll be wearing purple, I am totally going to root for KU!! How exciting for Kansas to have such a great team! I have a feeling this is going to be a very tough game, but it should be exciting!! And I'm betting that KU can pull it off. But if they don't, I'll root for NC and Roy in the final two. I'll still be wearing purple, but who could be mad at a guy who did so much for KU's program. I happen to think it's great more people aren't mad at him...it shows how much of a class act we Kansans are!!
So does anyone know when Melissa gets back? With this wonderful change in the weather, she might already be since she was going to bring back Florida weather for us! If you're around Melissa, I hope you had a great time. How did Rodeo do??
Ty, here is sending many wonderful blessings to Caden on his baptism. Isn't it amazing how they grow right before your very eyes?? He's sure a doll.
I think I might have to invest in one of the weather radios Ross. I think it is wonderful that KWCH is selling them, and they seem to be better than some that other stations are selling. I think it's pretty wise for people to invest in one.
Have a great weekend everyone and enjoy the sunshine!!
Shelly, I am back. I brought some warm weather with me in a zip lock bag and opened it when I got back. haha. I hope it works!! My trip was GREAT. Not to mention the nice tan I have =) I just hope it doesn't fade too quick! Rodeo did good. He had fun playing with his cousins (Katy and Ruby)
The picture of Millie is awesome. What a perfect face! Sounds like you are very busy making your rounds at schools and going out talking to people. (and taking Millie out in the nicer weather)
Ty, how is the tired dad?? Sleeping through the night yet? I'm sure he has you trained already! Do the doggie kids feel left out at all? Its a hard adjustment.
Well, I'm gonna get going. Hope everyone enjoys their weekend and the nice weather! =)
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