This was an unusually active day for tornadoes in Kansas. Several areas in the west had tornado touchdowns reported and I happened to be near a few late in the day. Things didn't go quite as planned, but I was able to catch a few of the tornadoes with my cell phone. I was right on the Gove/Trego county line when these pictures were taken. At one point, I must have been within 1/2 mile of the tornado. You know it is close when you can see the dust and debris getting picked up right in front of the vehicle. I think it is the closest I've ever been to a tornado.
Enjoy the photos and it is time for so much needed rest. More severe weather is expected this weekend.
Awesome job Ross and Team. When the tornado sirens were sounded last night here in Hays we had just got home from a run and were sitting outside enjoyinng the evening not aware there was anything coming our way. (luckily we were spared.) We went to the basement and turned on TV and the coverage you and the team provided. It was continious and very detailed and the storm track was right on. We had several friends at Cedar Bluff and were able to give them updates until their phones lost the signal. My brother lives just west of Ellis and they were in there storm shelter and we were able to keep them up to date as well as a friend in Ellis that had lost power as well. Believe it or not i know the storm coverage you provided saved many lives! And today we will all be investing in weather radios!!! Thanks for everything! Awesome Job!!
i was wondering what is the record for most tornado warnings in one day for one state? it seemed like we had alot yesterday and was wondering if were close to a record? thanks
I'm so sick of this weather =( I have not hada good night sleep since Thursday night. The loud thunder and constant lightning keeps waking me up. Is there a light at the end of the tunnel, Ross!? Hope everyone has a good memorial day! (aside from the weather)
GREAT JOB these past few nights on all the extended weather coverage with all the severe weather. You and the rest of the Storm Team 12 have done a great job as always! Keep up the good work. I am sure you have been tired the last couple of nights as well. You are always appreciated as you provide TOTAL DEDICATION not only to the station but the citizens of Kansas.
Thanks again everyone! Keep blogging!
As others have commented, Good Job over the past five days!I know it wasn't easy but I appreciated the coverage that you guys provided to keep me and others safe during the recent storms!
Hope we don't have another huge out break like this for a very long time! Hope your able to get some well earned rest!
Ross, Get some sleep!!!
Thanks for all you do!
I just want to put in my 2 cents worth too Ross. Please, please, please share with ALL of the weather team at Channel 12 what a phenomenal group of people you are and that we all appreciate you so much!! The weather coverage has again been 2nd to none! Your coverage is by far the most accurate, the most detailed and the most dedicated in the entire state. I know some people complain when there is continuous coverage, but I for one am so grateful. There are people we care about all over the state, and there is a security knowing that KWCH will be there taking care of everyone in the viewing area. I know you worked long and hard this weekend Ross, and you deserve alot of credit for keeping people safe. Thank you so much for being there!!
I am glad to see all my blogger friends are safe. Enjoy some rest everyone!!
Those are some great pics with your cell phone...I was there too, driving I-70 from Salina to rural Ness County on Friday and back to Salina on Sunday. My weekend did not go quite as planned (I did not plan on spending 2 out of 3 afternoons in a basement!) Thank you guys for the coverage and updates, my sister was calling me and telling what directions to drive to keep away from the worst areas! I know I'm exhausted, I can't imagine how you guys feel. Thanks for keeping me and my family safe.
That was a nice chase..KS just got it's Tornado Fest..Looking forward for upcoming updates..Today possible tornado activity is hitting up on Nebraska and Iowa areas..Be safe on your chases guys..:)
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