Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Stormy Week

This has been a busy week with severe weather here in Kansas and if all goes as planned, we should be able to catch our breath in the next few days. Although we haven't had any tornadoes this week, we have had some amazing hail storms and the pictures that we are getting from viewers are incredible. I mentioned this last night on the FOX broadcast, but it's worth saying again because the attached photos are pretty amazing. Thunderstorms are very dangerous, but they often provide us with some of the best pictures that we will ever get from Mother Nature.

The first picture is from Salina where lightning hit on the golf green and you can see what happened after the electricity traveled through the ground. Definitely not the place to be during a thunderstorm. This was nature's chance at a hole-in-one and she got it.

Lightning struck our tower in Hays, which isn't much of a surprise considering this is a metal rod sticking up in the air. What is surprising is that Chelsey was in the right place at the right time to capture a photo of the bolt.

Strong winds rolled across central and southcentral Kansas on Monday and Tuesday, and we had an amazing shelf cloud that developed in the Great Bend area and rolled all the way down into the Wichita area. It looks like a wall cloud that might produce a tornado, but this cloud feature is much too big and when you see something like this, you should expect strong winds.

Finally, the destructive hail was amazing this week. Garden City had several rounds of severe weather and the hail left its mark. Thanks for sending in pictures and lets hope for some less-active weather for a few days.


Andra Sitt said...

Wow! The climate is really unpredictable.
Read my post about global warming and it's causes

Great Blog

Ty said...

Good Evening Ross and Fellow Bloggers,

IS EVERYONE READY FOR The WICHITA RIVERFEST???? I know I am, I've got my camera batteries charged my memory chips formatted and ready to go! Photo Contest here I come! This is the 3rd Annual Photography Contest and I'm gonna enter again! There is always so much to do, I'm already pumped about it!!!!!

I wanted to say AWESOME pictures, love the shelf cloud! I saw the story on the golf course yesterday, that was eerie. This is something that I enjoy doing as long as it is safe! I'd love to go storm chasing but just not there yet, plus gas is too expensive and it's gonna get worse, but we won't open that can of worms on this blog!

Enjoy your weekend Ross, get caught up on your sleep now that the severe stuff should be behind us! Though I enjoy aspects of the storm, the destruction that Mother Nature can reap is sometimes a nightmare as too many in Kansas has recently been reminded. I feel bad for all those that received all that damage to your property, it is just frustrating and problematic.

Well on that negative note, I'm out of here for the day. Enjoy the rest of the week everyone, we are on the downhill slope of the week, as some would refer to it as Hump Day Wednesday!

shelly said...

Hey there fellow bloggers,

My goodness, with the breeze from the north tonight it feels like someone opened a very big refrigerator door!! But we have been very lucky in Salina with no bad storms (only lightening at the golf course!) and lots of nice rain. Everything is so pretty right now!

Good luck on the photo contest Ty, and enjoy the river fest!! I haven't been to the Wichita version for several years now, but the couple of times I did go, it was lots of fun. We have the Salina version in June, and we always have such a good time, but it is alot different than your festival.

I know that you have been very busy with the weather this week Ross, but as always, you guys do the best job. I also want to comment on the great storm shots. They are awesome.

Everyone have a great week!

distimpson said...

Hi Ross, the picture of the lighting strike is really great. It might be worth looking for some fulgarite, earth, usually sand, that is melted and fused by the heat of the lighting. It looks a little like branches, sometimes hollow, due to the way the electricity flows. However, better check with the golf course before digging !!! Thank you for the pictures, Don

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