What are you doing this Memorial Day weekend? I'll be close to the weather office and will be working through most of the weekend. I know we will be covering some prime time TV the next few nights, but we hope you will be patient with us. I know there are several TV shows that are wrapping things up with their season finales, but we will do the best we can.
If we get any good pictures from the chase on Thursday, I'll put them on the blog. Have a great holiday weekend and be safe.
The weather does look nasty over the next few days. I won't be upset if you guys need to break into cover a storm. People can always go online to watch the show that they have missed.
No real big plans for myself. I have to work all weekend, nothing new there. Just glad that I am done with school for a while, at least till June.
Have a safe trip Ross, and to everyone else that has plans for the weekend.
Hi everyone,
Hope that everyone is gearing up for a stormy weekend. If you are traveling be sure to stay safe and keep tuned in to Ross! Don't worry Ross, we want you to break in when ever it's necessary!! Also, be sure and stay safe out in that weather. I think it would be so fun to be a chaser, but just be careful. Especially with Millie....we need to keep her around!!
So glad to see you back Melissa! How are you and Rodeo enjoying your new place? I hope things are settling down some for you and that you have been able to get out and enjoy the great weather!
Don't work too hard this weekend Jonathon, and try to get out and have some fun. Hope you and the family are doing well Ty. Any big plans for the holiday?
We will be spending some time at work, and some time with family over the holiday. We always try to visit the cemeteries, so we will be watching the weather too.
Have a great weekend everyone, be safe, have fun, and enjoy whatever you may be up to!!
Millie must need a long vacation. Does Millie go with you on all of the storm chases?
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