Friday, November 15, 2019

Are we finally on track for some more rain?

It's been a long haul lately with no decent amount of rain AND some major temperature swings. We have seen quite a flip from 70s to record lows and now, settling into a benign fall stretch of weather.

There's really nothing noteworthy in the first system coming through over the weekend. It's a dud. Limited moisture and a disorganized system means we won't get squat.

Computer models are hinting at something toward the end of next week (Nov. 21/22) 
I've been hesitant to say much about this because I don't want to scare the storm away. (we all know that can happen if we talk too much about it) There are several meteorological factors that suggest this won't be a big rain, but I think we'd settle for .25-.50" if we could get it. I'd like to see the storm dive a little deeper into the southwest before coming this way, but as its looking now, I think the moisture will be somewhat limited. HOWEVER... It might be one of our ONLY chances of moisture between now and the end of the month. So we better cross our fingers.

This is a preview of what our Future Track shows for next Thursday. The batch of moisture off to the east of Kansas might clip southern Kansas. The larger area of rain in the desert Southwest will be something to watch for next weekend. And it may never get into the Plains. But it's something to watch.

Meteor Shower:

The Leonids will peak Saturday night. I think we will have too many high clouds to really have good viewing of the show. The bright moonlight will wash away some of the smaller meteors, but if you are looking for something in the sky, check it out. I think the next REALLY good Leonid shower is set for 2030 when we are to be passing through a thicker batch of debris that will give us more than 15 per hour.

Our winter forecast is coming out Thursday night. I will also be sharing thoughts on Thanksgiving weather and travel at the beginning of next week. Right now, it doesn't look too dramatic for our area, but it will be cooling down.

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