Friday, July 31, 2020

August Outlook

July is wrapping up on an unbelievable note for temperatures. Most of us don't expect a week of 80s in July, but when it shows up on your doorstep, you have to take a minute to appreciate what it is considering how hot things normally are around here.

What are the August averages?

If the weather is even close to normal in August, it tends to be one of the wetter months out of the year. I tend to think of August as a "wild" card month because it seems like we are either really dry, or getting a bunch of rain.

Rainfall in August might look like this:

As I mentioned in the last update, signs are pointing toward a wetter than normal August. Will all of it come in the first half of the month? It is entirely possible that August will start off fairly wet for much of the Plains, but I'm not expecting the upper high pressure (the heat dome as we sometimes call it) to be overly strong. So given that, I think we will continue to see decent chances at rain even later into the month too.

August temperatures:

Much of the area will have cooler than average temperatures to start the month, but that should give way to near normal highs back into the 90s fairly quickly as we move toward the second week in August.

I don't foresee any major heat waves, but for those of you who love summer weather, there's still plenty of warm days left even later in the month. Keep in mind, late August "normal" high temperatures drop back to the upper 80s.

Watching Isaias:

A difficult storm name to say and it's the earliest to reach an "I" named storm in an Atlantic hurricane season. Here's the updated track, which keeps it grazing the east coast next week. Expected to maintain its hurricane strength for several days to come as it moves northward. And there are a series of "waves" lined up and ready to move out over the Atlantic that could become tropical storms or hurricanes down the stretch. 

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