Friday, December 20, 2019

Unsettled weather Christmas week

There isn't much time left to get that Christmas shopping done. Have you even started? That thought has to be a bit scary when you know the shipping deadlines are here and then there's a chance stormy weather could delay the arrival of packages.

Travel weather leading up to Christmas looks good...
We are going to be moving back into an unsettled pattern through the holiday and the weekend after. However, Monday and Tuesday look like pretty good days to get around Kansas and surrounding areas. There's a big storm that will be inundating the West coast with rain and snow over the weekend. Timing of this system will be figured out soon, but it will be moving toward the Plains for Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.

Look at the temperatures it will be running into. Much of the state will continue to be above normal, so don't get too excited for a snow chance. There might be a few flakes of snow mixing in with the rain across far northwest Kansas, but even then, chances look pretty slim for that to take place. A preview of temperatures on Christmas Eve suggests that we are still too warm for snow.

Christmas Day - Temperatures begin cooling down, but not drastically. Normal high is 42° and we start trending back closer to that by Wednesday.

Even more active weather AFTER Christmas
Just want to give you a heads up to a potent storm that will be coming through the area during the weekend after Christmas. If you plan to be on the roads, this is a storm that could have widespread rain OR snow and big impacts. We are pretty certain there WILL be a storm, but (like we've discussed already), details of track, timing, and the rain-snow line is next to impossible to nail down this far out.

I'm working much of Christmas week and will be updating the blog, so be sure to check back, especially if you are planning any amount of travel after Christmas Day. Should be interesting.

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