Tuesday, August 24, 2021

A hurricane for Kansans to watch - coming soon

The hurricane season peaks around September 10th and we are almost halfway through the list of names for the Atlantic basin. Next up is Ida and Julian, which should be coming very soon. It may not look like much, but the area of thunderstorms near Venezuela could very well develop into a tropical system soon. 

Right now, the National Hurricane Center is giving it a 60% chance of developing into a storm in 5 days, but there's a strong likelihood that given the warm water and the weak winds aloft that it will grow into a hurricane soon. It may not become a hurricane until the weekend, but conditions seem favorable for it to grow. Just look where the storm will be this weekend.

Leftover tropical systems rarely get to Kansas. In fact, the last one to do so was Hermine back in 2010. It came on shore as a tropical storm near Corpus Christi and then weakened as it moved up into southeast Kansas on September 10th. 

Our computer models will be all over the place for awhile, but there is some potential of the storm pushing farther north. At this time, it is a low chance for it to reach Kansas, but certainly possible. What we need is a strong high pressure over the southeastern US to help push the system into the central Plains. I'm not sure we will get that setup, but there's plenty of time for us to watch the setup and see what may be developing. And there are several more storms to watch out in the Atlantic. Each yellow "x" indicates a potential storm on the horizon. The tropics are very busy right now, but that may change in 3 weeks when the overall pattern changes again. 

Next Rain - Heat Relief:
It still looks like a cold front is coming to Kansas on Sunday. That will be our next hope of some rain and heat relief. Until then, anything that pops up over Kansas will be REALLY isolated.

Have a great day.

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