Thursday, July 18, 2019

Big time changes - Update on rainfall chances

We are still on track for a big change in the weather and the pattern across the central US. This latest heat wave may have some of you panicking into thinking the rest of the summer is going to be brutal. But as I mentioned in my last update, I think this is our hottest stretch we will see maybe for the rest of the summer.

Here's what next week is looking like:

The areas hit with the heat wave this week will see a huge flip for our last full week of July. A forecast of 80° weather isn't normal for late July, which is typically some of our hottest weather of the year. 

Across the nation:
It's hot almost everywhere east of the Rockies. The exception will be the New England states where highs will be much more comfortable.

Rain chances coming this weekend:

I know some areas have dried out with the heat and wind from this week. So if you are hoping for some rain, good news is that much of the state will have chances. However, I'm not so sure this won't be just enough rain to settle the dust in spots. The front is coming through fairly quickly, and if it moves through during the night (Saturday night), the timing may not be so favorable for rain. Models are hinting at some .25-.50" amounts, but there could be a few pockets where it's a bit heavier.

Temperatures by Sunday: It now looks like all of Kansas will have cooled off by the end of the weekend. So enjoy it, because 70s and 80s in late July is almost unimaginable. And to go along with it, LOWER HUMIDITY!! Should be really nice. And it will be that way for almost ALL of next week. 

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