Thursday, July 25, 2019

Rainfall Stats

In my previous post, I talked about when we might see some rain again. If you didn't read it, well, I can sum it up by just saying we have awhile to wait before decent chances of moisture get back to Kansas. The beginning of August just doesn't look that promising for rainfall.

What's interesting is just how fast the faucet gets turned off. We can all agree we had TOO much rain back in May, and even June started out really wet in most areas. But just look at the following charts. I did some research on rainfall for Dodge City, Wichita, Hutch, and Salina. All areas look about the same. Anywhere from 5-10% of the rain since May 1st has come in the last 30 days. And when it heated up to 100° in mid-July, things have dried out pretty quickly.

Dodge City stats:
Wichita stats:
Hutchinson stats:
Salina stats:

This is what one computer model continues to show today for rainfall over the next two weeks (you can click the image and make it larger).

And given the fact we expect a high pressure system to return next week and heat things up, much of the forecast rainfall will slide up and over Kansas. Aside from a stray shower or storm, the odds of decent moisture just aren't there for awhile.

I'll keep you updated. In the meantime, enjoy the rest of our somewhat mild July weather. Have a great day.

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